Monthly Archives: February 2014

Agility News Friday – Agility with minimal equipment

Being the agility nerds we are, Jaxon and I were looking for training tips online that could help us train in any situation.

raining again...

raining again…

As it’s raining, and unlikely to have a session in the yard this evening, I was thinking how I could build an indoor agility course for him.

Then I stumbled upon this great article by one of NSDTC members – Karin Bridge.

It’s a great read & awesome tips for just having fun training with your pup. Enjoy!

Workout Wednesdays – CYOA

Do you remember those Choose Your Own Adventure books? I loved those stories and would read them over again and again. What I liked most about them was the unexpected rewards you got at every choice. Dogs love that kind of reward system too. Positive behaviour and reinforcement is best displayed when the dog is making their own choices from the outset.

Where's all the equipment, Mum?

Where’s all the equipment, Mum?

This week we’ve been working on good choices for Jaxon. I realised that rewarding him with food wasn’t really putting the value of the relationship into me, but into the food.

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Discovery Monday – Jaxon learns to swim!

A little while back, Jaxon & I attended summer Agility Camp with Canine Fun Sports.

It was a fun time, but the middle of Summer really got us, and one day in particular was close to 40 degrees right up to 6pm in the evening!

Swimming was fun Mum!

Swimming was fun Mum!

Well the best thing about Agility Camp is the great group of people who are there – and their fabulous dogs.

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Training Videos – The Twist

I’ve been trying to record more training with Jaxon so that I can review my handling, and see what I’m doing OK at, and how I can improve.

High ten!

High ten!

This week, we’ve been practicing a few OneMind Dog moves. The first one I tried was the Twist. I’m still slow and working through learning the move, so Jaxon has been very patient with me!

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Agility News Friday – Homage to Snow

In the last couple of months, Jaxon & I have become absolute Agility Nerds. Pretty much now we have a structured training week, and we have as much fun as possible during the week, then celebrate by hanging out with the pack at Club & putting practice to purpose.

My cousins in the Northern Hemisphere. Chilly!

My cousins in the Northern Hemisphere. Chilly!

In following lots of puppies all over the world, and learning lots about many different styles, handling methods and simply having lots of doggy fun, I’ve noticed a lot of doggies in the snow.

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Workout Wednesday – Speak!

If you met Jaxon at a trial, you would think he’s a yapper (sad face). However, if you met him at home, you’d be surprised at how quiet he is.



I certainly thought he was such a quiet one that we’d have to encourage him to speak up sometimes.
One of the early tricks I taught Jaxon was to “Speak”. I watched a TV program about dogs that perform on TV, and thought Jaxon would make a great TV dog (no offers yet).

The thing that made me think was the fact the trainer was getting the dog to do certain actions at a distance.

Eventually, “Speak” became a trick that worked 2-fold. It got Jaxon to speak up, and it taught him not to bark at us other times.

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Discovery Monday- Lickety Split!

I’ve often wondered why Jaxon is such a licky dog. He likes to lick our hands, faces, his feet and even other dogs lips!

Getting Jaxon to lick on cue was harder than expected!

Getting Jaxon to lick on cue was harder than expected!

While I don’t mind it much, I thought it would be a very annoying thing to do to another dog, especially if that dog is reactive, or doesn’t want other dogs in its face!
There are a bunch of great resources that give you a laundry list of why dogs lick – what occasions, what situations, what time of the day, what behaviours go with it.

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Agility News Friday – Westminster Agility trial

In the top nosh doggie arenas, a new sport has clinched the attention of those normally snooty and rather aloof show-dog types.
This week, Westminster Kennel Club (New York City) dog show held their first ever master’s agility trial! Hooray for agility taking the world by storm!

Top knot poodle

Top knot poodle

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Workout Wednesday – Silly surfaces challenge

Bubble wrap obsession

Bubble wrap obsession

This week we’ve been challenging ourselves with lots of foundation training for agility. While that’s fun, I’ve really wanted to put some variety into our daily sessions to give Jaxon lots of fun and keep him challenged.

This week we’re training on a different surface everyday. With our daily training, I like to keep it short and fun for Jaxon, keeping it to 5 minutes at each end of the day. I train these sessions at mealtimes so I have Jaxon’s attention.

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Discovery Mondays – Learning every day

It’s a big thing to look inside yourself and recognise the ways you can grow and better yourself. Not a lot of people do this, and I think I’ve found the secret.

Zen agility

Owning a dog, and doing a dog sport – agility – has helped me really reflect on who I am and how I can better myself. This comes through the constant learning and growing together as a team.

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Sporting K9 and Handler fitness

2 Brown Dawgs Blog

The escapades of our Chesapeake Bay Retrievers

Wiley's Wisdom

Joy: From the Ground Up

The Sun Dog Drift

City girl turned country woman writes about life on a ridge with her Golden Retrievers the "Sun Dogs" her horses, goats, and a wild burro named Rosie.

Dogpaddling Through Life

Maneuvering the rapids of life with the help of companion animals


Day in the life of an agility loving papillon


All things Cairn...Snapshots of my Cairn Terrier, Trev & Caring For Your Senior Dog

We Live In A Flat

Dog photo blog stories from our apartment in Singapore

Paws Abilities

Helping people enjoy their dogs.

No Dog About It Blog

It's all about dogs!

1st World Dog

Day to day dilemmas of a dog living in the 1st world.

The Adventures of Sawyer

Daily adventures of Sawyer, the Jack Russell Terrier


....helping dogs by helping people

Life, iLumenated

Our journey- from 8 week old pup, to agility dog, school dog, and trickster. Training thoughts, tips and lots of problem solving, photography and general musings on owning a silly and serious paradoxical Aussie Shepherd.