Workout Wednesday – 5 minute formula

What are we going to play today?

What are we going to play today?

When out and about with Jaxon, I often get compliments at how cute he is, and how very well trained he is. My philosophy is it shouldn’t take long to train your pup, but like any other member of your family, you have to put time in to reap the rewards.

At the bakery the other day, I left Jaxon out on the post near the water bowl they had for doggies. While I was in the shop waiting, Jaxon stood up to look at something. All it took from me was a quick hand signal to get him to drop and wait again. Two older ladies commented on how very clever that was, and what a good doggie he was to do that from a distance!

Working out with Jaxon is a quick fast session twice a day most days. While I’d love to be out in a field for at least an hour a day with him, the reality is we only usually get 2 big training sessions a week. And that’s a stretch sometimes.

I often get busy with life – as everyone does! So I commit to at the very least, 5 minutes in the morning at meal time, and 5 minutes in the evening at meal time. If I can’t be there for meal time in the evening, Jaxon knows there will be 5 minutes of something before we all go to bed.

There are many many things you can teach and build on around this approach, and your pup will be very open to learning as the major reward is food! We’re trying Jaxon on the BARF diet at the moment, so training at mealtime means a handful of kibble or Kangaroo sausage, and not enough to upset his total meal intake.

One very small piece per reward is all you need. Just look through any of our Workout Wednesday training sessions for tips on how to teach and reward.

Hope you enjoy the 5 minute formula & find how simple it is to train your pup in really only 10 minutes a day. They will love you for it, and you will reap the rewards!

Happy training!

Posted on July 17, 2014, in Agility nerds, Fun, Training and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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