Daily Archives: July 7, 2014

Discovery Mondays – Winter Wonderland & it’s good to be back!

It’s been a while since we had a blog up! This winter has been more hectic than other years, so it’s taken its toll.

However – we’re back! As a noob to the Agility world, I’ve noticed that most of the trials for Agility happen through the Australian Winter months.

This makes it very difficult to commit to a lot of things as you want to get along to at least a couple of trials a month to keep the momentum & fun going.

It’s also been good to see that Jaxon has really come into his own for Agility in the cooler months (which tempts me to shave him in summer, but that’s another story…).

His weaves are getting faster, he’s often in front of me, and I’m really getting up a sweat – especially at evening training!

In addition to increased numberĀ of trials, we’ve been a bit slower on daily training than normal. I’m trying desperately to catch up on some new skills so that I can then teach Jaxon, and we can use them when we play Agility. I find these sources from all over. At the moment Susan Garrett is a big inspiration for me. I’m going back to a lot of the foundation work I missed out on with Jaxon as he’s my first dog.

I think the biggest discovery over these last few months & trials is that no matter what, it’s all just about playing a game with your pup throughout their lives.

Jaxon is surely the happiest he’s been, and yet the most upset he’s been when he sees I put my ‘work’ shoes on rather than my ‘agility’ shoes.

At the end of the day, he knows I’m coming home to play with him, and that makes me feel warm through the cold winter days!




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